Cannot Determine Host's Domain Name So Skipping Default Key Generation
13.12.2020 admin
- Cannot Determine Host's Domain Name So Skipping Default Key Generation Video
- Cannot Determine Host's Domain Name So Skipping Default Key Generation Youtube
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Cannot Determine Host's Domain Name So Skipping Default Key Generation Video
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#!/bin/bash |
# Create default keys for the OpenDKIM Milter. |
# source function library |
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions |
# Some functions to make the below more readable |
prog=opendkim |
KEYGEN=${exec_prefix}/sbin/$prog-genkey |
DKIM_KEYDIR=${prefix}/etc/$prog/keys |
# Make some colors |
red='033[1;31m' |
green='033[1;32m' |
NC='033[0m'# No Color |
# Pull in sysconfig settings (will override previously set functions) |
[ -f${prefix}/etc/sysconfig/$prog ] &&.${prefix}/etc/sysconfig/$prog |
do_dkim_keygen() { |
if [ !-s$DKIM_KEYDIR/$DKIM_SELECTOR.private ];then |
echo -n $'Generating default DKIM keys: ' |
if [ 'x`hostname --domain`'='x' ];then |
echo |
echo -e '${red}Cannot determine host's domain name, so skipping default key generation.${NC}' |
else |
mkdir -p $DKIM_KEYDIR |
$KEYGEN -D $DKIM_KEYDIR -s $DKIM_SELECTOR -d `hostname --domain` |
chown -R root:$prog$DKIM_KEYDIR |
chmod 640 $DKIM_KEYDIR/$DKIM_SELECTOR.private |
echo |
echo -e '${green}Default DKIM keys for `hostname --domain` created in $DKIM_KEYDIR.${NC}' |
fi |
else |
echo -e '${red}Default DKIM keys already exist!${NC}' |
fi |
} |
# Create keys |
do_dkim_keygen |
Cannot Determine Host's Domain Name So Skipping Default Key Generation Youtube
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